During my work at Linköping University I helped visualise the CORUS project. CORUS is a large-scale demonstration project which demonstrates solutions for manned and unmanned air traffic and the societal benefits of future drone services.
The visualisation consisted of an interactive story about the possible future of drone traffic and the impact on society, which changed depending on the choices the users made on the touch table in front of them.
During this project I mainly worked with storyboarding, creation of graphical elements as well as video production and animation and the assembling the final production in WATCHOUT. The collaboration with the stakeholders Linköping University and Luftfartsverket (LFV) was a big part of the project.
Finally, it was presented at the Intercity Drone Flight Demo Day at Norrköping Airport and in the Visualisation Center C.
Design team: Yin He, Jekaterina Basjuka, Charlotte Bertzen